ResponseSync connects all the dots.

As participants view streamed content they move an embedded slider to quantify their moment to moment opinion on a scale of interest, agreement or any dimension clients wish. Plus, they are told that if they see or hear something that makes them want to take a specified action, e.g. tune out a television show or buy a brand, they should click the "action button" right then. We continuously capture and record the time of each person's activity.

Right after viewing, respondents are prompted with clips of video from key moments such as highest and lowest slider points - as set by client triggers - and point of action button use, and are queried about those actions.

These interactive video queries can be preceded, followed or bookended by survey questions, on our platform or the client's, which we seamlessly bolt on to ResponseSync to enable deeper analysis of our PowerLine Slider™ and PowerLine Open Ends™ results. We can also integrate respondents' records from other databases.

The finished picture tells you

  • WHO your most and least promising targets are
  • WHAT works, what doesn't, what inspires action
  • WHERE and WHEN peaks and valleys occur
  • WHY different people respond as they do, when they do

…and offers insights into HOW this information can guide creative and strategic development.